Our sectors of activity

Mag. Šira Fera-Tischler MSc ist am Tisch angelehnt und Mag. Dr. Christof Pollak steht neben dem Tisch, im Hintergrund sieht man Bücher und eine weiße Tür


Conflicts are part of human coexistence. They are inevitable. It is not whether or with whom we get into conflict, but rather the way we resolve our conflicts that determines our success. We support our mediators with a broad range of tools and experience in finding solutions and reaching agreements. Our expertise in dispute resolution has taught us that most conflicts can be resolved more easily, meaningfully, cost-effectively, and sustainably by the parties involved. Our mediation is the right help, the right tool for self-responsible problem-solving. We mediate individually or as a co-mediation team.


Know yourself, human! This simple philosophical instruction leads to true enlightenment. Unfortunately, the problem is that sometimes we have the right perspective on everything and everyone except ourselves.

Solutions that come from outside are not true solutions. True enlightenment must come from within.

We can support as neutral third parties from the outside, in order to guide the path of self-realization towards success. We offer our support in:

Mag. Šira Fera-Tischler MSc und Mag. Dr. Christof Pollak stehen im Atrium des Büros
Klientin (rechts) und Klient (links) sitzen am Tisch und blicken auf Mag. Dr. Christof Pollak, der ebenso am Tisch sitzt und mitschreibt, Mag. Šira Fera-Tischler MSc steht dahinter neben einem Plipchart und hält einen Block in der Hand

Moderation and corporate team building events

We support you in conducting conversations and meetings or workshops and pay neutral attention to the neutral and fruitful flow of communication between the parties and/or team-members.

Our legal professions have taught us to quickly know what is really at stake in any matter. The linguistic ability to express the core messages of various subject areas is our daily job. This is how we moderate eloquently and empathetically